woensdag 21 januari 2009

Vespa Girl (english tutorial)

Click on the image for truth size

Tube (max. 360 pixels high)

EM Design 20
EM Design 25
EM Design 31


Filter Unlimited 2.0

Download materials

1. Open the tube in psp

2. Open a new image 500 X 500 pixels transparent

3. Take two colors with you piped from your tubes, light foreground color and a dark backgound color

4. Go to material pelette and change foreground color in gradient

5. Activate flood fill tool and fill your image with gradient

6. Layer - new raster layer

7. Selections - selections load/save - load selection from disk - EM Design 31.
Mark source luminance and replace selection

8. Go to material pelette and mark invert by gradient

9. Activate flood fill tool and fill the selection with gradient

10. Selections - select none

11. Effects - 3d effects - drop shadow

12. Activate move tool and move the selection in the middle of your image

13. Go to the tube
Edit - copy

14. Return to the image
Edit - paste - paste as a new layer

15. Layers - new raster layer

16. Selections - selections load/save - load selection from disk - EM Design 25
Mark source luminance and replace selection

17. Activate flood fill tool and fill the selection with gradient

18. Selection - select none

19. Effects - 3d effects - drop shadow
same settings

20. Image - mirror

21. Activate selection tool and trek square in the upper side
Settings: square - mode replace - feather 0 - Mark anti alias

22. Go to the tube
Image - mirror

23. Select a bit from your tube
(I have chosen for the head)

24. Edit - copy

25. Return to the image
Edit - paste - paste into selection

26. Selections - select none

27. Repeat points 21 till 26 for all squares
(see example)

28. Layers - new raster layer

29. Selections - selections load/save - load selection from disk - EM Design 20.
Mark source luminance and replace selection

30. Activate flood fill tool and fill the selection with gradient

31. Effects - 3d effects - drop shadow
same settings

32. Selections - select none

33. Activate text tool - take a beautiful font - create as vector

34. type the text and move the text on the correct spot

35. Layers - convert to rasterlayer

36. Effects - 3d effects - drop shadow
same settings

37. Layers - merge - merge all flatten

38. Image - add borders - 20 pixels - other color
Mark Symmetric

39. Activate magic wand - tolerance and feather 0, select the border

40. Go to material pelette and change in gradient repeats in 3

41. Activate flood fill tool and fill de border with gradient

42. Effects – plugins - Filters Unlimited 2.0 - Buttons and Frames - Glass Frame II, bovenste schuifje op 20 zetten.

43. Selections - select none

44. Layers - new raster layer, place on this your water mark

45. Layers - merge - merge all flatten

46. Image - resize - 500 pixels

47. Edit - copy

48. Open Animation shop
Edit - paste - as a new animation

49. Edit - paste - after current frame
total 4 times (you have now 5 frames)

50. Edit - select all

51 Open the Goudegifje.gif in Animation Shop

52. Edit - select all

53. Towed the Goudegifje.gif to the image of frame 1 to frame 1 in the first star.
(see example)

54. Return to the ster animatie
Edit - undo

55. Towed the Goudegifje.gif to the image of frame 1 to frame 1 in the second star.
(see example)

56. Return to the ster animatie
Edit - undo

57. Animation - flip

58. Towed the Goudegifje.gif to the image of frame 1 to frame 1 in the third (lower) star.
(see example)

save and ready is Vespa Girl

En klaar is je Vespa Girl Frame les.
We are very curious to your development of this tutorial.

This lesson cannot without authorisation of EM design on another
forum or website' s be placed. This lesson has been made on
26 october 2006 A type equal lesson relies purely on contingency

1 opmerking:

bete-noire zei

the original source image is by one randall whiteis, whom i don't see credited.

i've let him know you're using it. you can find him here if you wish to credit him appropriately:


amusing that people who don't want their tutorial stolen have no compunction about "borrowing" from other artists.