zaterdag 3 januari 2009

Walking Tag (english tutorial)

Click on the image for truth size


3 photographs (1 big photo min 450 pixels high)

Paint Brush:
Blokjes brush

Kruissteek tube
Schroef tube

Inspiration 0 font

Unlimited 2.0

Download material

1. Open the photo’s and tubes in psp

2. Go to the materials palette and set foreground color on #ffffc0 and
backgrouncolor on #f9dd58

3. Go to your big photo

4. Activate freehand selection – free hand – tolerance 0 - feather 55
Select the dog or person

5. Selections - invert
Press now on delete on your keyboard

6. Edit - copy

7. Open a new image 600 x 600 pixels transparent

8. Activate flood fill tool and fill the image with foreground color

9. Edit - paste - paste as a new layer

10. Activate move tool and move the photograph on the correct spot
(see example)

11. Effects – plugins – Unlimited 2.0 – Special effects –
watercolor – Fade 136

12. Go to the layer palette and set opacity on 70

13. Go now to one of your other photograph

14. Image – resize – 201 pixels high

15. Image – add borders – 5 pixels white

16. Edit - copy

17. Return to your image
Edit - paste - paste as a new layer

18. Activate move tool and move the photograph on the correct spot
(see example)

19. Repats Point 14 till 18 with your other photograph

20. Go to the steekkruis tube,
Edit - copy

21. Return to your image
Edit - paste - paste as a new layer

22. Activate move tool and move the photograph on the correct spot
(see example)

23. Layers – duplicate

24. Drawer the copy beside the orginele

25. Layers – duplicate

26. Drawer the copy beside the orginele

27. 2 times, layers-merge-merge down

28. Effects – 3d effects – dropshadow
horizontal and vertical 1 – opacity 50 – blur 3 – black

29. Go to the layer palette and make raster 1 active

30. Layers – new raster layer

31. Activate paint brush - blokje brush - size 300

32. Click now random with your right mouse button a number of time over the complete image

33. Activate eraser tool (size 60 and hardness 73) and erase the blokjes brush which stands on your big photograph

34. Layers - merge - merge visible

35. Effects – image effects – page curl,

36. Activat selection tool, rectangle, feather 0 and
pull square left in above angle

37. Layers – new raster layer

38. Activate flood fill tool and fill the selection with background color

39. Selections – Select none

40. Layers - arrange - send to bottom

41. Layers – new raster layer

42. Activate flood fill tool and fill the selection with foreground color

43. Layers - arrange - send to bottom

44. Go to the schroef tube
Edit - copy

45. Return to your image
Edit - paste - paste as a new layer

46. Layers - arrange - bring to top

47. Activate movetool and move the tube to the left above angle

48. Activate text tool - font: insparation – size differs by name

49. Go to the material palette and set foreground color on #f9dd58
(same color as background color)

50. Type the text

51. Effects – 3d effects – dropshadow (click on the question on ok)
Horizontal and vertical 1 – opacity 100 – blur 0 – black

52. Layers – new raster layer and place on this your water mark

We are very curious to your development of this tutorial.

This lesson cannot without authorisation of EM design on another
forum or website' s be placed. This lesson has been made on
29 june 2008 A type equal lesson relies purely on contingency

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