Click on the image for truth size
Big Tube min. 600 width
Selection: EM Design 36
Download material
1. Open a new image 600 X 400 pixels transparent
2. Take two colors with you piped from your tubes, light foreground color and a dark backgound color
3. Activate flood fill tool and fill the image witj background color
4. Go to the tube,
Edit - copy
5. Return to the image
Edit - paste - paste as a new layer
6. Go to the materials palette and set opacity on 50
7. Selections - selections load/save - load selection from disk - EM Design 36.
Mark source luminance and replace selection
8. Selections - invert
9. Go to the layer palette and make raster 1 active
10. Effects - 3D effects - inner bevel
11. Selection - select none
12. Go to the layer palette and make raster 2 active
13. Effects - 3D effects – drop shadow
14. Activaste selection tool
15. Pull a rectangle in the left window
16. Go to the tube and select the left side of the tube,
select approximately the same part as the background
17. Edit - copy
18. Return to the image
Edit - paste - paste into selection
19. Selections - select none
20. Repeat point 15 till 19 but then for the right window
21. Go to the tube
Image - resize - 250 pixels longest side
22. Edit - copy
23. Open a new image 250 X 250 pixels transparent
24. Activate flood fill tool and fill the image with background color
25. Edit - paste - paste as a new layer
26. Layers - merge - merge all flatten
27. Image - add borders - 2 pixels foeground color
mark symmetric
28. Activate magic wand, tolerance and feather 0 - mode: replace,
Select the border
29. Effects - 3D effects - inner bevel
same setting
30. Selections - select none
31. Edit - copy
32. Return to the first image
Edit - paste - paste as a new layer
33. Layers - duplicate
34. Image - resize - 80 precent
Unmark resize all layers
35. Layers - duplicate
36. Image - resize - 80 precent
Unmark resize all layers
37. Go to the layer palette and make raster 3 active
38. Image - rotate - free rotate - left - 12
39. Effects - 3D effects – drop shadow
same settings
40. Go to the layer palette and make copy of raster 3 active
42. Image - rotate - free rotate - right - 12
43. Effects - 3D effects – drop shadow
same settings
44. Go to the layer palette and make copy (2) of raster 3 active
45. Effects - 3D effects – drop shadow
same settings
46. Activate text tool - take a beautiful font - create as vector
I have chosen to take goldpattern as background color
47. Layers - convert to rasterlayer
48. Effects - 3D effects – drop shadow
same settings
49. Layers - new raster layer, place on this your water mark
50. Layers - merge - merge all flatten
51. Image - resize - 500 pixels
52. Edit - copy
53. Open Animation shop
Edit - paste - as a new animation
54. Edit - paste - after current frame
total 4 times (you have now 5 frames)
55. Edit - select all
56 Open ster animatie in animation shop
Edit - select all
57. Towed the star to the image of frame 1 to frame 1 left in the angle.
(see example)
58. Return to the ster animatie
Edit - undo
59. Animation - mirror
60. Towed the star to the image of frame 1 to frame 1 right in the angle.
(see example)
Save and ready is Beautiful Brown.
We are very curious to your development of this tutorial.
This lesson cannot without authorisation of EM design on another
forum or website' s be placed. This lesson has been made on
30 october 2006 A type equal lesson relies purely on contingency
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