Click on the image for truth size
Eigen tube (approximately 343 x 276 pixels)
Watercolour Pearl tube
Watercolour flower tube
Watercolour mask
Unlimited 2.0
Download material
1. Open the tubes and mask in psp
2. Open a new image 600 x 600 transparent
3. Go to the materials palette and set foreground color on White and background color on Black
4. Go to the Watercolour masker,
Edit - copy
5. Return to your image
Selections - select all
6. Edit - paste - paste into selection
7. Selections - select none
8. Activate selection tool - rectangle, pull a rectangle over the black part in the middle
9. Layers - new raster layer
10. Activate flood fill tool and fill the selection with foreground color
11. Selections - select none
12. effects - texture effects - weave
13. Go to your tube,
Edit - copy
14. Return to your image
Edit - paste - paste as a new layer
15. Activate move tool and move the tube to the correct spot
16. Effects – plugins – Unlimited 2.0
Special effects 1 – watercolor – fade 160
17. Layers - merge - merge visible
18. Activate text tool, font: satisfaction – size 72 – Mark create as vector and anti alias
19. Go to the material palet and close foreground color by clicking on round with diagonal
20. Type the text and move the text to the correct spot
(see example)
21. Image - add borders – 3 pixels Black
Click on the question on OK
22. Image - add borders – 35 pixels White
23. Go to the watercolour flower tube
Edit - copy
24. Return to your image
Edit - paste - paste as a new layer
25. Activate move tool and move the flower tube on the right above angle
(see example)
26. Layers - duplicate
27. Image - mirror
28. Layers - duplicate
29. Image - flip
30. Layers - duplicate
31. Image - mirror
32. Go to the watercolour pearl tube
Edit - copy
33. Return to your image
Edit - paste - paste as a new layer
34. Activate move tool and drawer the pearl in the middle of the flower right in above angle
(see example)
35. Layers - duplicate
36. Image - mirror
37. Layers - duplicate
38. Image - flip
39. Layers - duplicate
40. Image - mirror
41. Image - add borders – 3 pixels Black
Click on the question on OK
42. Image - add borders – 2 pixels White
43. Image - add borders – 5 pixels Black
44. Activate pen tool,
45. Go to the materials palet en turn foreground color with background color. Foreground color is black and background color is now closed
46. pull a line on the upper edge between the flowers
(see example)
47. Layers - convert to rasterlayer
48. Layers - duplicate
49. Image - flip
50. Layers - duplicate
51. Image-rotate - free rotate – right 90
52. Activate move tool and move the line Right between the flowers
53. Layers - duplicate
54. Image - mirror
55. Layer - new raster layer, place on this your water mark
56. Layers - merge - merge all flatten
57. Image - resize – 600 pixels
Save and ready is Watercolour Tag
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This lesson cannot without authorisation of EM design on another
forum or website' s be placed. This lesson has been made on
23 january 2009 A type equal lesson relies purely on contingency
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