Click on the image for truth size
4 photo's (approximately 266 x 266 pixels)
1 photo (approximately 400 x 476 pixels )
2 achtergrond plaatjes (background images)
1 Swirl tube
1. Foto Stripje tube
1. Open the photo's and tubes in psp
2. Go to the big photo (400 x 476 pixels)
3. Layers - promote background layer
4. Activate freehand selection tool - point to point - feather 25
5. Select the part of the photograph what you wish to accentuates,
I have chosen for the head.
6. Selections - invert
Press on delete on the keyboard
7. Selections - select none
8. Open a new image 600 x 600 pixels transparent
9. Ga to achtergrond 1 image
Edit - copy
10. Return to your image
Edit - paste - paste as a new layer
11. Layers - arrange - move down
12. Go to the layer palette and make raster 1 active
13. Go to the materials palet and take a foreground color with you piped from your photo
14. Activat flood fill tool and fill the image with foreground color
15. Go to the layer palette and set by raster 1 opacity on 70 and blend mode onhue
16. Go to the big photo (400 x 476 pixels)
Edit - copy
17. Return to your image
Edit - paste - paste as a new layer
18. Activate move tool and move the photo on the correct spot
(see example)
19. Layers - merge - merge all flatten
20. Effects – plugins – Xero – Illustrator
Abstraction: 70 and Colouration: 120
21. Layers - promote background layer
22. Go to the layer palette and set opacity on 70
23. Go to the fotostripje
Edit - copy
24. Return to your image
Edit - paste - paste as a new layer
25. Activate magic wand - modus: replace - feather 0
Select the insite of the upper photo frame
26 Selections - modify - expand - 4 pixels
27. Go to the photo which must in the upper frame
Edit - copy
28. Return to your image
Edit - paste - paste as a new layer
29 Activate move tool and move the photo to the correct spot in the selection
30. Selections - invert
Press on delete on the keyboard
31. Selection - select none
32. Layers - arrange - move down
33. Go to the layer palette and make raster 2 active
34. Layers - merge - merge down
35. Repeats point 25 till 34 for the last three frames
36. Image - rotate - free rotate – right 5
37. Activate move tool and move the filmstripje to the right
(see example)
38. Go to the swirl tube
Layers - new raster layer
39. Activate flood fill tool and fill the layer with a color which is appropriate at the image
40. Go to the layer palette and activate raster 2
41. Selections – select all
42. Selections - float
43. Selections - defloat
44. Go to the layer palette and activate raster 1
45. Selections – invert
Press on delete on the keyboard
46. Selections - select none
47. Edit - copy
48. Return to your image
49. Go to the layer palette and make raster 1 active
50. Edit - paste - paste as a new layer
51. Go to the layer palette and set opacity on 50 and blend mode on Dissolve of raster 1
52. Go to achtergrond 2 image
Adjust - hue and saturation - colorize
take the H and S from je foreground color
53. Activate text tool,
54. Type a name.
Edit - copy
55. Return to your image
Edit - paste - paste as a new layer
56. Layers - arrange - bring to top
57. Effects – 3D effects – drop shadow
Vertical and horizontal 5 - opacity 50 - blur 5 - color black
58. Activate move tool and move the text on the correct spot
59. Image – add borders - 5 pixels, same color of the swirl tube
(Click on the question on okay)
60. Image - add borders - 5 pixels - White
61. Image - add borders - 20 pixels - other color
62. Activate magic wand and select the 20 pixel border
63. Go back to achtergrond 2 plaatje
Selections - select none
64. Edit - copy
65. Return to the image
Edit - paste - paste into selection
66. Selections - select none
67. Image - add borders - 5 pixels - White
68. Image - add borders - 5 pixels
same color as point 51
69. Layers - new raster layer, place on this your water mark
70. Layers - merge - merge all flatten
71. Image - resize – 600 pixels
Save and ready is Fotostrip Tag klaar.
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forum or website' s be placed. This lesson has been made on
3 maart 2008 A type equal lesson relies purely on contingency
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