woensdag 22 oktober 2008

Egypth Blend (english tutorial)

Click on the image for truth size


Cat Blendles (146 x 227)
Hond blendles ( Dog 209 x 149)
Kop Blendles ( Head 132 x 268)
Vrouw blendles (Woman 173 x 345)
Pyramide blendles (pyramid
544 x 303)

Egypth Blendles Masker

Unlimited 2.0
VM Natural

Download material

1. Open the tube and mask in psp

2. Take two colors, I have chosen for #d8d8b4 as forefront color and #8f8c7b as background color

3. Open a new image 500 x 500 transparent.

4. Activate Flood fill tool and fill the image with your forefront color

5. Layers - new rasterlayer

6. Fill the image now with your background color

7. Layers - new mask layer - from image – Egypth blendles masker
source luminance active and invert mask dat NOT active

8. Layers - merge - merge all flatten

9. Effects – plugins - Unlimited 2.0 - paper textures – papyrus - 66-96

10. Go to your Pyramide blendles tube
Edit - copy

11. Return to your image
Edit - paste - paste as a new layer

12. Activate move tool and move the pyramide something up with the point of the pyramide against above side. (see Example)

13. Go to your layer palette and change blend mode: luminance old and opacity: 80

14. Go to your kat blendles tube
Edit - copy

15. Return to your image
Edit - paste - paste as a new layer

16. Go to your layer palette and change blend mode: luminance old

17. Effects - 3D effects - dropshadow
Horizontal and vertical 2- opacity 50- blur 5- black

18. Activate move tool and move this tube to left
(see example)

19. Go to your kop blendles tube
Edit - copy

20. Return to your image
Edit - paste - paste as a new layer

21. Go to your layer palette and change blend mode: luminance old

22. Effects - 3D effects - dropshadow
Horizontal and vertical 2- opacity 50- blur 5- black

23. Activate move tool and move this tube on the top right
(see example)

24. Go to your vrouw blendles tube
Edit - copy

25. Return to your image
Edit - paste - paste as a new layer

26. Go to your layer palette and change blend mode: luminance old

27. Effects - 3D effects - dropshadow
Horizontal and vertical 2- opacity 50- blur 5- black

28. Activate move tool and move this tube to against the lower part
(see exaqmple)

29. Layers - duplicate

30. Effects - plugins - vm natural - spash

31. Layers - arrange - move down

32. Go to your layer palette and make upper layer (raster 4) active

33. Image - resize - 80%
Resize all layer NOT active

34. Activate move tool and move this tube to down against the edge.
(see example)

35. Go to your hond blendles tube
Edit - copy

36. Return to your image
Edit - paste - paste as a new layer

37. Go to your layer palette and change blend mode: luminance old and opacity: 80

38. Effects - 3D effects - dropshadow
Horizontal and vertical 2- opacity 50- blur 5- black

39. Activate move tool and move this tube Right below in the angle
(see example)

40. Activate text tool, font PegsannaHMK, create as vector
size 48, stroke width 1, anti alias active

41. Type your text and puts the text something slantingly
(see example)

42. Layers - convert to rasterlayer

43. Effects - 3D effects - dropshadow
Horizontal and vertical 2- opacity 50- blur 5- black

44. Layers - merge - merge visible

45. Layers - new rasterlayer

46. Activate Flood fill tool and fill the image with background color

47. Layers - arrange - move down

48. Go to the layer palette and make added layer active

49 Effects – plugins – unlimited 2.0 - age square - square age 4

50. Layers - new rasterlayer, place on this your water mark

save as jpg and ready is Egypth Blend
We are very curious to your development of this tutorial.

This lesson cannot without authorisation of EM design on another
forum or website' s be placed. This lesson has been made on
January 11 2007 A type equal lesson relies purely on contingency

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